EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

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European Union underlines importance of free media and launches 2020 EU Prize for Journalism to mark World Press Freedom Day

To mark 3 May, World Press Freedom Day in line with this year’s theme ‘Journalism Without Fear or Favour’, EU Ambassador to Georgia Carl Hartzell has issued a statement: 

“Today, during the unprecedented ‘Covid War’ times, only disinformation and fake stories are spreading faster than the virus. This year’s celebration of 3May, World Press Freedom Day, therefore bears special significance. Journalists, producers, researchers, photographers and other media professionals are out on the front line keeping us informed in a situation when we depend on their work more than ever. I trust in their continuedvigilance and wish them all good health. The media plays a key role in any free and open society. Journalism without Fear or Favour, which is the theme of this year’s celebration, captures well the essential principles of good journalism. In the face ofthe political or economic pressure, defamation or interference that free media continues to experience globally, the European Union will remain its staunch ally, guardian and supporter.”

In line with tradition, Ambassador Hartzell also used this occasion to launch the 2020 EU Prize for Journalism: 
“Today, on the World Press Freedom Day, we are launching the ninth edition of the EU Prizefor Journalism. The Prize aims to reinforce and reward the highest standards of journalistic ethics, professionalism and quality. Last year I was honoured to reward truly stunning pieces of journalistic work. I hope and trust that we will see contestants building further on this accomplishment in 2020.”

On the occasion of the launch of the EUMM Special Prize for Peace Journalism, the Head of EUMM Marek Szczygiel noted: 

“The potential for confidence building is tied with a double thread to how the media informs the public. We are looking for stories told with sensitivity and with professional integrity, covering conflict situations and the people affected by it.”

About the EU Prize for Journalism

Established by the European Union Delegation to Georgia in 2012, the EU Prize for Journalism encourages professionalism and ethical conduct in Georgian journalism. The Special Prize for conflict-sensitive journalism rewards media outlets contributing to confidence building and peace and is handed out by the European Union Monitoring Mission.

The rules of the EU Prize for Journalism take inspiration from the principles of the Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics and seek to encourage professionalism and ethics in Georgian Journalism. 
This year the EU Prize for Journalism will be awarded in seven categories:
Best story in print or online media;
Best feature story in broadcast or online media;
Best investigative story in print, online, or broadcast media;
Best online or print blog, opinion or column in print, online or broadcast media;
The most innovative and original piece of work in print, broadcast or online media;
Best documentary photo reflecting EU values;
Best conflict-sensitive journalistic work contributing to confidence-building and peace in the context of armed conflicts in Georgia (The EUMM Special Prize for Peace Journalism).

Detailed information and rules for submission are available at
The winners of the first six categories will receive € 1,500 each.
The winner of the EUMM Special Prize for Peace Journalism will receive a 30 day fellowship with the Institute of War and Peace Reporting in London.
The deadline for submission of all entries is 15 December 2020. 
The application form, rules and submission guidelines are available at
For any further information, please contact:

EU Prize for Journalism: 
Tamriko Mikadze, EU Delegation toGeorgia,

EUMM Special Prize for Peace Journalism:
Nino Gezmava,
World Press Freedom Day(WPFD)was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1993 following a Recommendation adopted at the twenty-sixth session of UNESCOs General Conference in 1991. This in turn was a response to a call by African journalists who in 1991 produced the landmark Windhoek Declaration on media pluralism and independence. WPFDacts as a reminder of the need to respect commitments to press freedom and is also a day of reflection among media professionals about issues of press freedom and professional ethics; a day of support to media that are targets of the restraint, or abolition, of press freedom; a day of remembrance for those journalists who lost their lives in the pursuit of a true and important story.

May 3, 2020 Theme is ‘Journalism Without Fear or Favour’,aimed to focus on taking action to secure independent journalism. The 2020 WPFD theme calls on everyone who has a role to play – including governments, journalists and media, the judiciary and legal sector, internet businesses, civil society, academia and the youth - to take action to secure and promote media independence. The theme is a timely reminder of the importance of independent journalism as a necessary condition for the fulfilment and enjoyment of media freedom in an era of disinformation, and persistent and new forms of media controlsthat are hampering journalists’crucial task to provide the public with reliable facts, inclusive and diverse views and opinions worldwide. 

See the information here.