EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

Krtsanisi Residential Area, 49 Krtsanisi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: +995 32 2 721800; +995 32 2 719300
27/09/2024 09:09:59
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We also monitor Human Rights

The European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia is the EUs only current mission that is specifically dedicated to monito¬ring. 

Much effort goes into monitoring the security situation on the ground along the Administrative Boundary Lines dividing the breakaway regions from Tbilisi Administered Territory; but the Mission also monitors the Human Rights situation in the conflict-affected populations and report on the challenges, they face in their daily lives. 

In some ways, the lives of the conflict-affected population living along the Administrative Boundary Lines resemble the daily lives of the population as a whole. Yet, for the people directly affected by the conflict, the impact of poverty, unemployment, depopulation, access to health services and education have aggravated their situation by creating more obstacles to their enjoyment of human rights. 

In particular, this applies to the many thousands Internally of Displaced Persons who live in settlements and to ethnic Georgians from Gali (Abkhazia) and Akhalgori (South Ossetia).

The monitoring and reporting of the Human Rights situation on a regular basis is therefore an important aspect of the EUMM’s mandate. 

By its very presence and patrolling the settlements adjacent to the Administrative Boundary Lines, the EUMM is able to assist in reducing potential Human Rights violations. 

EUMM monitors regularly engage with people, who share their stories and experiences. Other sources are NGOs and International Organisations that work closely with the EUMM. 

The Mission seeks to refer Human Rights violations to the relevant authorities. Moreover, the EUMM utilises the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism and the Geneva International Discussion platforms to discuss Human Rights issues with all parties to encourage solutions. 

We also monitor Human Rights