EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

Krtsanisi Residential Area, 49 Krtsanisi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: +995 32 2 721800; +995 32 2 719300
01/09/2024 13:09:42
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EUMM Statement on the Incident in Khurcha

EUMM can confirm the fatal shooting of a local man on 19 May at the Khurcha-Nabakevi crossing point on the Administrative Boundary Line. According to a preliminary assessment based on local witnesses, armed security actors from the Abkhaz side of the bridge crossed over to Tbilisi Administered Territory (TAT) and carried out the shooting. EUMM has activated the Hotline and is facilitating the exchange of information. We have been informed that the investigation is ongoing on the both sides of the Administrative Boundary Line.
EUMM condemns this fatality. Our condolences and sympathies are with the family of the deceased.
EUMM is on the spot monitoring the situation and collecting information and informing EU Institutions and EU Member States. The Mission will remain on the ground where needed and for as long as needed.
EUMM urges that the thorough investigations be conducted as soon as possible and calls on all sides to refrain from any actions that could potentially escalate the situation.
The incident as such provides additional urgency for the swift resumption of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) in Gali.