EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

Krtsanisi Residential Area, 49 Krtsanisi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: +995 32 2 721800; +995 32 2 719300
17/09/2024 21:09:28
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EUMM hold technical talks with de facto Interior Minister of South Ossetia

An EUMM delegation held technical talks today 27 October, with the de
facto Interior Minister of South Ossetia Mikhail Mairamovich Mindzaev
and Anatoly Tarasov Head of the Russian Garrison in Tskhinvali. This
meeting was the first EUMM contact so far with the South Ossetian

Following recent criticism from Russia and South Ossetia, the Head of
Mission, Ambassador Hansjörg Haber, stressed last week that EUMM is
willing and equipped to monitor the whole area, but can only fulfil its
functions if granted access to the area. He called on the Russians and South
Ossetians to cooperate in this respect.

At today's practical meeting, EUMM asked for information on the structure
of law enforcement mechanisms in South Ossetia and their cooperation with
Russia. The question of EUMM patrols entering South Ossetia was also