Press Releases

EUMM welcomes outcome of ad-hoc meeting on security related occurrences

On 12 August, EUMM initiated an ad-hoc meeting with all the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism meeting participants to discuss recent security related occurrences along the South Ossetian Administrative Boundary Line (ABL). The meeting took place on the ABL in Ergneti, late in the evening.

All participants contributed to the constructive discussion and agreed that each security actor in the area must exercise its respective responsibilities to thwart actions that might lead to an escalation of tensions.

Gerard A. Fischer, the Interim Head of the EU Monitoring Mission, welcomed the positive outcome by saying: “We highly appreciate it that although convened on short notice, participants recognized the timeliness of such a meeting and hence contributed in an especially positive manner.”

Gerard A. Fischer, Interim Head of EUMM
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